February days

Jobbar. Tänker. Planerar. Väntar på våren.


I wondered if Abraham really had made a hash of life. Is to do what you want, to live under the conditions that please you, in peace with yourself, to make a hash of life; and is it success to be an eminent surgeon with ten thousand a year and a beautiful wife? I suppose it depends on what meaning you attach to life, the claim which you acknowledge to society, and the claim of the individual. But again I held my tongue, for who am I to argue with a knight?


I'm there, still, waiting, still.
There beneath the water's surface,
there above the mountain's peak.
I'm there, still, hoping, still.
There in the colors that bleed
through the leaves, there in the
blue that comes back before black does.
I'm there, still, come back to me.




step 1)
unconditionally and irresponsibly
i found you.
step 2)
i play hide and seek
i look for you behind closed doors
step 3)
and somehow i have lost myself in the process of trying to find you

step 4)
now I am desperately trying to
the memories

step 5)



And to think that I gave him a fucking bracelet.

Nobody puts shorty in the corner

Cut my hair short today. I'm sick of long hair that never really looked good on me, so I cut it all off.  I needed a change! Above is the result.
As some of you know, I am moving to the US on Monday. I have created a blog for my Swedish readers, so that you'll be able to follow my journey and new life as a college student in Missouri. I will still keep this blog though, and I'll update it as often as I can.

These last few days

Summer is gradually approaching my hometown, and I do my best to capture the memories in images. Unfortunately I don't own a camera at the moment, so nowadays my iphone continuously serves its purpose of capturing these images using instagram. If you're interested, you can find me on ig @ dreamnation.
Sisters S. and A. resting in the grass after a challenging 6.4 km run / Walpurgis eve and an intense arm wrestling session.
Vintage kitchen posters / My beautiful, wonderful mother by the lake.
Found this drawing I made of Matisyahu in 2012 / Getting ready to go hiking.
Hiking in the woods / Mending a sprained ankle in bed with Jane Eyre as my only company.


I wake up crying uncontrollably. 4 am. Within three seconds, I recall every detail of the nightmare I just experienced. My father possessing the role of the hero when he saves me from the crazy people who want to rid me. I'm sitting at home, scared, while he is out there doing his very best to make me feel safe.
But this time, he doesn't come back. He doesn't come back, doesn't tell me everything is going to be okay. this time he is gone longer than usual, and I know deep within my heart that this is not how it is supposed to be.
My father is killed by the crazy people. He knew it would happen; he had left behind a cassette with all my favorite songs. He knew it would happen and he let it.

I cry because he died, and I wasn't there to save him. I cry because I didn't get to tell him how much I love him, and that he never had the chance to see his little one grow up. I cry because of all the things that were lost, of all the broken pieces I would never be able to mend.
Don't be afraid.

And suddenly all the love songs were about you.


When I'm sitting in French class and can't concentrate on passé compose or imparfaitsomething.
When I can't do anything else but count down the minutes until I'm not cold anymore, because your arms are wrapped around me.
I told myself, "I'll never be one of those people." But you occupy my mind every second of every single day, and I can't help but realize: It is simply, and undeniably, obvious. I'm one of those people.


"Il promettait de me protéger toute sa vie. Il me donnait son coeur."

I remember the sleepless nights


thursdaymorningwords of wisdom.


From pinterest.com.
Good morning.

it's not who we were, and it's not who we will be, it's who we are now.

Rewinding all the way back to the ancient year of 2006 to see how I've changed physically, from being an insecure 13-year old girl to "growing up" (will I ever grow up?) and currently going on 20. I've always been the type to change - new hair colors, trying out new ways of dressing and thereby defining myself. I think these photos reflect a lot how I've not only physically changed, but also how much I've evolved on the inside, trying to find myself in some sort of way.
2006. Loving the combo. I felt fabulous.
2008. I remember being so proud of this photo. Now I'm just like.. gurl lose the fake smile k.
August 2009. First few days of being an exchange student in North Dakota, USA, undergoing the process of becoming an authentic American girl.
June 2010.
August 2010.
April 2011.
September 2011. With a little paint on my nosie.
April 2012. Valborg.
September 2012.Purple hair! inspired by oneofeachblog.com
March 2013. In love with my new Jack Daniels shirt <33333333
What say yee, have I changed since 2007?
That's it for now. Ciao.




Saturday lazy day

Today I'm staying in bed for a few more hours, reading about radical islamism and jihadism for my seminar on wednesday. It feels all luxurious doing your homework in bed, and not having to be stressed about a thousand other things like back in high school. "Back in high school"? Makes me feel old. A year ago high school and homework and classes were the only things that existed in my cognitive universe, and I thought the horror would never end.
Now I'm here, in bed, writing about doing my homework (something that I'm actually interested in for once, oh the benefits of being a university student!), and I'm feeling completely and utterly relaxed. Appreciate what you've got, live in the moment; these are the things I'm learning nowadays. #thisisthelife
Later - workout session, movie date with my sister and planning of future trips! 2013 is going to be great, I'll make sure of it.
(FYI, this is possibly the most boring post I have ever written. I am obviously not a writer.)


This is me in my current state. Don't ask. Face look of the day lol

Kenyan explorers

My two amazing sisters will be starting their journey to Kenya on sunday, where they will be staying for several months volunteering at an orphanage. These are all the clothes, candy, toys and stuffed animals they're bringing to the children. I couldn't be more proud of them. I envy you so much!


i am so stupid why am i so stupid regret regret ångest x 100000000.
well, at least on monday i'll be getting the results of which US universities are able to offer me scholarships. i'm going to ignore the self-loathing part of myself now and get back to work.
am i

instagram sneak peek

i'm starting to read my first books in french. scary assssss.
the cutest dog.
flashback, twothousandandfive, english homework. progress!
curled my hair.
watching the snow storm outside.my sister at a local museum.


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