A preview of my latest project. April 2014.
I'm there, still, waiting, still.
There beneath the water's surface,
there above the mountain's peak.
I'm there, still, hoping, still.
There in the colors that bleed
through the leaves, there in the
blue that comes back before black does.
I'm there, still, come back to me.
The unoriginial zipper face everyone. Hai.
It's like monday but its not
Find your way into my soul
Close your eyes
Promarkers: April 2013.
There's something to be said about the colors in your head /and how they mix to form the perfect shade of sadness.
I drew a picture today. Promarkers and drawing pen.
Good night, world.
Art is never finished, only abandoned.
Confession of
oday: I like ar . A lo . One of my favori e hings o do in my spare ime is going o museums, ar galleries, (or anywhere really because I always ge ex remely inspired by looking a and examining all sor s of hings. I donI also enjoy crea
ing my own ar using differen media - oil colors, me al, pho ography, napkins, you name i - and have been doing so on and off since 2010. I guess you could say ha , echnically, I picked up a brush he firs ime I was 16, in sep ember 2010. (I'm curren ly 19.) I ell ya, pain ing doesn' come easy! My firs "real" ar piece is some hing I'd ra her no discuss.. Anyhow, af er some prac ice and a pain ing or wo la er I realized his was some hing I really enjoyed doing. I s ar ed off wi h oil pain ing, bu have explored several ypes of media af er ha . his ar hing jus ge s weirder and weirder, bu a leas I have fun doing i , and ha 's wha coun s, righ ?Anyhow, apparen
ly here are o her people on his plane who enjoy my ar , even hough here is absolu ely correla ion be ween my pain ings. Here are a few:My very firs
oil pain ing, March 2011.Self-por
rai .Looking a
hese pho os, I realize I haven' crea ed a single ar piece since July 2012. I'm going o make his a challenge wi h myself as he only compe i ion - you should be able o see a more up- o-da e ar work wi hin a few weeks (2 mon hs ops!) If you really feel he need o see some more of my ar , you can check ou my facebook page jenni jalonen :arGoodnigh
world.10AM, Gare du Nord.
but damnit, i'm calling you mine
friday inspiration, or something
oh my friend. why must you be such a good artist. you make me want to go hide in a corner and sip on a cozy cup of napalm.
nausea1938.tumblr.com, just in case
Pt. 1, Vulnerability
Sneak peek of yesterday's spontaneous shoot with two friends. This photo aims to demonstrate the concept of fragility to its very core, and in the photo you can see me (blonde) and my friend Josefin doing our best to picture this concept. Tbh, I'm very satisfied with this photo considering the whole photoshoot-idea was entirely unplanned. More to come soon.
constructive criticism, anyone?
spontaneous self-portrait session, july 2012. i miss my canon EOS 7D.