I'm there, still, waiting, still.
There beneath the water's surface,
there above the mountain's peak.
I'm there, still, hoping, still.
There in the colors that bleed
through the leaves, there in the
blue that comes back before black does.
I'm there, still, come back to me.
step 1)
unconditionally and irresponsibly
i found you.
i found you.
step 2)
i play hide and seek
i look for you behind closed doors
step 3)
and somehow i have lost myself in the process of trying to find you
step 4)
step 4)
now I am desperately trying to
the memories
step 5)
the memories
step 5)
ligger i sängen, svettas fryser kan inte sova.
tänker på dig, det vi hade, hur kunde vi lösas upp sådar bara???? Poff.
kan inte sluta, mår illa, vill spy.
konstant bakfylla.
älskling. älskling.
somnar med håret klibbat mot en fuktig kind
och drömmer om dig fastän jag så innerligt hoppas att sömnen bedövar.
vi är lyckliga, oskyldiga, du kramar min hand och ler med dina förbaskat jävla fina ögon.
vill dö, kan inte röra en enda kroppsdel
men plötsligt flyger det i mig och jag vill slå sönder en betongvägg
tills jag blöder och inte kan tänka på något annat
än smärtan som ligger som ett tryggt skydd på mina knogar
men smärtan består, drar isär, krossar inifrån.
If i could be a superman, I'd fly you to the stars and back again
My heart always aches for you.
there is a mysterious force which draws together those who constantly think of each other. Fools call it "coincidence".
Happy birthday
My beautiful, wonderful, funny, loving, caring, stubborn, absolutely fantastic sister is 25 today.
time passes by terribly fast. It feels like just a day ago I was a 2-year old girl who has seized your favorite plastic box and taken a comfortable seat while you're standing beside me, crying furiously. One of my earliest memories with you is when we used to lie on the floor in the living room, under the table and in front of the tv. You loved watching Bewitched and I hated it, I was little and just wanted to watch cartoons. Fortunately, we grew older, and though I have always loved you, with time you also turned into one of my closest friends. I'm looking forward to a lifetime with you, my dearest sister.
Happy 25th. ♥
These last few days
Summer is gradually approaching my hometown, and I do my best to capture the memories in images. Unfortunately I don't own a camera at the moment, so nowadays my iphone continuously serves its purpose of capturing these images using instagram. If you're interested, you can find me on ig @ dreamnation.
Sisters S. and A. resting in the grass after a challenging 6.4 km run / Walpurgis eve and an intense arm wrestling session.
Vintage kitchen posters / My beautiful, wonderful mother by the lake.
Found this drawing I made of Matisyahu in 2012 / Getting ready to go hiking.
Hiking in the woods / Mending a sprained ankle in bed with Jane Eyre as my only company.
And suddenly all the love songs were about you.
eres .comWhen I'm si
ing in French class and can'2014.04.18
"Il promettait de me protéger toute sa vie. Il me donnait son coeur."
The beauty of defeat is that when you fall, you fly.