P.S. I still wait for you

7PM last night: getting ready for a night out on the town. I felt wild so I decided to wear my new vintage animal print jacket (I'm pretending it's spring in Sweden!), black crop top, zara high waist leggings and gold chain from h&m. I wear this chain literally almost every day. We look fabulous together.

P.S. I really need to buy a new, proper camera and stop shooting with my iphone... For all you camera nerds out there, a Leica D-Lux 6 is on my to-buy list; I can assure you that's it's worth the wait.

If you happen to want to see more iphone photos anyway, my instagram is dreamnation. Kabaam.

posted by: lisawho

SVAR: Haha tack fina du! Nikon D7000 använder jag :D

2013-04-06 @ 12:47:19
url: http://glossfashion.com/lisawho/

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