what are we after all our dreams, after all our memories?

they say that the first person you fall for will always remain in your heart. right now it only makes me sick to the stomach to think of all the wonderful things that could have been, that never were, and that i can't rewind and undo what has happened.
i try to restrain myself from thinking that i will never again find anyone like him. because something's telling me that it is an irrational thought. because there are seven billion people on this planet and there has to be at least one person out there who is willing to kiss me good night when i go to bed, and still be there when i wake up in the morning.


today i took the bus downtown to meet up with an old friend of mine, josefin. we've known each other since we were twelve and while sipping on a cup of coffee and eating giant cinnamon buns, i time traveled back into the past and rediscovered memories i had almost forgotten after all this time. we laughed, and i realized how much i have missed her. it's strange to live in the same city as your best friend, yet we've only met twice in the past year. how could i let this happen, i wonder. anyhow, it was great to leave the isolation of my home and socialize a bit. i definitely should do this more often.
the picture was taken at h&m earlier today, we came across something that looked like a blue rag but is supposed to be some kind of a dress, i think. oh the joys of fashion!

2/1, 2013

fabien d. during an early, yet sunny afternoon in montparnasse. combine fine company such as this one with beautiful weather and your day is saved. 
i'm genuinely happy we finally met after all this time and i was able to put a face to this person i've never met in my entire life. it makes me feel like i should do this more often, finally acknowledging the concept of 'seizing the day'. because that is just what i did and always seem to do in paris, living in the moment.

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