Art is never finished, only abandoned.
Confession of
oday: I like ar . A lo . One of my favori e hings o do in my spare ime is going o museums, ar galleries, (or anywhere really because I always ge ex remely inspired by looking a and examining all sor s of hings. I donI also enjoy crea
ing my own ar using differen media - oil colors, me al, pho ography, napkins, you name i - and have been doing so on and off since 2010. I guess you could say ha , echnically, I picked up a brush he firs ime I was 16, in sep ember 2010. (I'm curren ly 19.) I ell ya, pain ing doesn' come easy! My firs "real" ar piece is some hing I'd ra her no discuss.. Anyhow, af er some prac ice and a pain ing or wo la er I realized his was some hing I really enjoyed doing. I s ar ed off wi h oil pain ing, bu have explored several ypes of media af er ha . his ar hing jus ge s weirder and weirder, bu a leas I have fun doing i , and ha 's wha coun s, righ ?Anyhow, apparen
ly here are o her people on his plane who enjoy my ar , even hough here is absolu ely correla ion be ween my pain ings. Here are a few:My very firs
oil pain ing, March 2011.Self-por
rai .Looking a
hese pho os, I realize I haven' crea ed a single ar piece since July 2012. I'm going o make his a challenge wi h myself as he only compe i ion - you should be able o see a more up- o-da e ar work wi hin a few weeks (2 mon hs ops!) If you really feel he need o see some more of my ar , you can check ou my facebook page jenni jalonen :arGoodnigh